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Navy Firesuit
Outer layer is made of NOMEX TI-Technology, offering very good thermal heat protection. Middle layer (Moisture Barrier) is made of two layer Crosstech moisture barrier laminated with Nomex III.
Inner layer (Thermal Barrier) is made from quilted Nomex/Viscose & Duflot Isomex for better heat insulation. Threads used for stitching is made of Nomex. Retro-reflective tapes are used in the construction of both jacket and trousers. The suits are available in either Blue or Yellow
Fireproof Balaclava
Aluminised Firesuit
The Aluminised fireman’s suit was specifically designed for firefighting where protection from radiant heat and direct flame is a priority. This suit is manufactured in a universal size, is waterproof and can be easily cleaned after use.
A full suit compromises of a jacket, pants, gloves, boots and helmet. Parts of the suit can be sold separately on request.