DCP 2.5kg Fire Extinguishers (Blue Crane)

The DCP 2.5kg Fire Extinguishers (Blue Crane) is an ideal extinguisher for the building industry and suitable for Class A, B or C fires, or a combination of these types. All extinguishers supplied conform to the minimum fire ratings as specified in SANS 1910:2009.

Category: .

Product Description

The DCP 2.5kg Fire Extinguishers (Blue Crane) is an ideal extinguisher for the building industry and suitable for Class A, B or C fires, or a combination of these types. All extinguishers supplied conform to the minimum fire ratings as specified in SANS 1910:2009.


Height: 468mm

Diameter: 102mm

Mass empty: 2.0kg

Mass full: 4.5kg

Charge: >6sec

Working pressure: 14000kPa

Test pressure: 2100kPa

Burst pressure: 5500kPa

Safety valve: Safety valve: +/- 2200kPa

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